National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR): Doctoral scholarships
642 fully-funded doctoral positions are available for the 39th cycle (a.y. 2023/2024) , thanks to recent major investments in research by the programme Next Generation EU:
Ministerial Decree no. 117 of March 2, 2023
Mission 4, component 2 “From Research to Business”; Investment 3.3 “Introduction of innovative doctorates that respond to the innovation needs of businesses and promote the recruitment of researchers by the companies”.
466 doctoral scholarships are co-funded by companies for the implementation of the projects aiming at the enhancement of high-profile skills
Ministerial Decree no. 117 of March 2, 2023
Ministerial Decree no. 118 of March 2, 2023
Mission 4, component 1 “Enhancement of the offer of educational services: from nurseries to universities”; Investment 3.4 “Advanced teaching and university skills” and Investment 4.1 “Extension of the number of research doctorates and innovative doctorates for public administration and cultural heritage”.
176 doctoral scholarships for the implementation of projects on the following topics:
- 77 scholarships dedicated to PNRR research (generic)
- 75 scholarships dedicated to Public Administration
- 12 scholarships dedicated to Cultural Heritage
- 12 scholarships dedicated to Digital and Environmental Transition
Ministerial Decree no. 118 of March 2, 2023
All the scholarships financed by the Ministerial Decrees n° 117 and n° 118 have reserved research topics and require carrying out of training experiences also at external structures (companies, research centers, public administrations) as well as periods of study and research abroad, with an objective of international doctoral training linked to the society and the economic and manufacturing world.