PhD secretariat
Via Golgi, 42, 20133, Milano
(Building 22, second floor)
Tuesday and Thursday from 09.30 to 13.30: front desk by appointment
- Call proceedings and scholarships
- Enrollment procedures
- Policards
- PhD career
- Certificate issuance
Interested parties unable to show up on the days and at the times indicated above, can arrange an appointment by e-mail, specifying the problem and indicating:
- Name Surname
- Person Code
- Course attended and cycle
- Topic: call for applications, type of enrollment (by international agreements, by additional or main calls), scholarships, fees, career, final qualification, specialization school in architectural and landscape heritage.
Phd School
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano
(Building 2- North Pavillion, mezzanine floor)
- Manifesto of studies
- Industrial PhD
- Teachings of the Doctoral School
- Board of the Doctoral School
International PhD students
- Information about entry visa
- Information about international programs
- International agreements
Phd Programme's secretariat
- Information about the specific PhD programme
- Didactic and research activities
- Visiting PhD
go to the programmes's contacts