PhD thesis presentation
The presentation of a PhD thesis and its discussion are the final steps in the career of all PhD candidates.
Research contribution
The PhD thesis is expected to present original research contributions developed during the PhD studies of the candidate. The thesis, as well as the research work, is developed under the guidance of a supervisor.
The thesis may include previously published work by the candidate, provided that the previously published material is cited appropriately in the thesis and the contribution of the author is clarified. Materials derived from the work of other authors must be properly referenced in the thesis and, if the exact words are reported, they must be cited in quotes.
The degree of originality of all PhD Theses will be assessed also through the use of anti-plagiarism software.
The evaluation of the thesis is performed in three phases:
- by external reviewers
- by the Board of Professors of the PhD Programme
- during a public presentation of the thesis by the candidate to a final exam committee, followed by a discussion with the candidate on the contents of the thesis.
The detailed procedures are defined by the PhD Programme in which the candidate is enrolled.
We suggest writing your thesis in A4 or A5 format; however, different formats will be allowed.
Examples of templates:
- Sample Latex Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)
- Sample PDF Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)
- Sample RTF Doctoral thesis template (not compulsory)
Publication of the thesis
According to the law, all PhD theses are deposited at the National libraries of Rome and Florence, where they can be consulted locally. The candidates admitted to the final exam must deposit their thesis electronically before the final exam; when depositing the thesis they may decide whether to give public or limited access to the thesis in the Politesi repository of Politecnico di Milano, where all theses are recorded and listed after the defense.
For the procedures for the final exam registration and thesis deposit please visit this webpage
The best thesis in the area of Applied Sciences and Technologies may be proposed for publication in the Polimi-SpringerBriefs Series of Springer, subject to an international evaluation of the submission. Further details on this series and submission procedures are available on and on the Intranet page.
Thesis information are also available at PhD School formal regulations are available here