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Study plan

How to fill the study plan

PhD students enrolled in a PhD Programme can fill their study plan following these steps:

  1. connect to Online Services using your Personal Code ("codice persona") and your password.
  2. Once the identification has been made, select the item "compiling the study plan".       

To retrieve your password if lost, please click on "assistance and information" -> "assistance with person code and password"

You are requested to fill in your study plan to list the courses you are planning to take. To be effective, your study plan has to be approved by the PhD Programme Coordinator, following the internal procedures established by each PhD Programme.

You can prepare your study plan after the beginning of the A.Y. (November) and you can modify it and add courses incrementally during your studies.

If you wish to delete courses you can ask for deletion trough the online application, then your deletion request needs to be approved by your Coordinator (usually through your local PhD secretariat in your department).

When you insert a course in your study plan, you also get some services, such as e-mails about the course, access to study material in the BeeP platform (accessible through your OnLineServices home page).

After a course has been included in the study plan, and the subsequent approval by the Coordinator, it will be possible to take the exam and record the grade, which will be visible in the study plan.

In the absence of approval of the study plan by the Coordinator, any recorded grades will remain pending until the plan is approved.

If you are interested in additional external activities (courses, workshops, seminaries etc.) you need the approval of your PhD Programme Coordinator.
It is strongly recommended that you take all mandatory courses within the first two years, so you can devote yourself to research in the final year. 

List of all PhD level courses offered by the PhD School and by the PhD Programmes